today is a super tiring day. we got our bazaar today.selling our "rainbow bubble tea"
ohh well, wake up at 6am. so freaking early lor.. haha 6.40 give jocelyn wake up call. meet her at inter at 7plus. at inter saw my sec frenz. den say hello.
went to buy mac for breakfas den went to take train to simei take 38 to sch.
the bubble tea uncle reach very early, me n jocelyn still on the way, so ask limin to get the things from the uncle.
when we reach, saw the uncle, he teach us how to make the drinks n we also took afew pic wif him.
well our group n shirley group is side by side. they selling chocalate fondue n more while we sell bubble tea.. yea.. we needa prepare the things.
starting to have ppl buying but no much ppl buy. we walk ard to promote our drinks n very little ppl buy.. i hate to distribute flyers,make me damn pissed off, ppl dun wan take, already nvm still diao me. i dont wan give out flyers anymore. was quite poor, de other group already sell finsh by afternoon, n left our group n shirley group. lol. at first we suffer loss, but after tat we gain again. at first, we already wan give up liao,so we give for free. but thx to our class ppl for helping. we have some promotion, actually from $1.50, we sell at $1.0. at least we dun make loss. our class ppl help us, wanna especially thx to Khai n Terrence. they reallie help us alot..
yea.. weather so hot n yet not much ppl wan buy. so weird lo ??
after tat, do some clean up.
damn hungry.. didn;t eat any proper meal except morning breakfast, super duper hungry sia.
me,jocelyn,yvonne,jovi,limin,belinda n xue fang went karean's hse. we took cab there.
eat maggie mee at karean hse.
slack ther awhile den me,jovi,xuefang went to take bus home.
when i reach home, im damn tired.legs lyk gonna break soon. very pain))=