23 Jan 2009
yerppp!! mood is happy. ermmm lesson start early at 8am. ya den i meet alisha at simei mrt n we go sch 2gather. first lesson was CRN,okay la de lesson still alright. after tat got went for lunch.arghh very hungry, needa eat. hahaha yeah went lunch wif our clique again.
after lunch got pe, at first play some warm up game. quite fun but very tired. needa run around like playing catching. den do some exercise. hmmmm after tat got NAFA test, 2day onli do sit up n standing board jump. weeee sit up i do 35. den standing board jump 164cm. lol.. tis de first time i jump ta far sia. whoaaa!
yea den kimmeh,izwan n sha waited for me at de field cox me haven end lesson yet. haha we actually wan go back sch but in de end didn't go cox nth 2 do there. so decided 2 go east point. den kimmeh n izwan went east point 2 meet up wif josh. while me n sha went tamp inter to meet yana n marina. we actually gonna take either 31 or 10 but freaking annoying. de bus super crowded. so no choice have 2 walk until de SAFRA there to take bus. is so freaking annoying la, walk under a hot sun n im like sweating like dunno wad lor. while walkin sha n me was lyk laughing, joking n talking all de way. hahahas
LOL.. i didn't went lunch wif them cox my daddy wan bring me n sis for lunch. btw sry guys didn't have lunch wif you all. ermm next time kk. ya den went eat at banquet. after tat walk around and bought some stuff. after everything i went back home . i went home straight go bathe n sleep. very tired sia. sleep for onli 1hrs plus cox abit hungry so decided 2 grab something to eat.